Jason's test page

This will work... somehow. TBD. Check back EVERY DAY.

Want to keep up to date with all the latest experiments from Jason's test page? Entering your phone and/or email below helps our reserachers recruit subjects for new games or long-running studies that require repeat participation. Our researchers appreciate it, and we promise they're not out to flood your inbox with spam!


Our Experiments

Hidden profile UCF

| 5 mins

Mastodon Example
Example of the Mastodon integration

| 5 mins

network demo

| 5 mins

Sign up for our Studies
Receive invitations to future studies here

| 5 mins

consent demo
demo of consent system

| 5 mins

Covid-19 Transition to Telework Study
Participate in this survey and help an international team of scientists study the different ways teleworking impacts us in times of crisis. 

| 10-15 mins

Facebook demo

| 5 mins

FB test
test of fb app

| 5 mins

Flanker for Qualtrics
Embeddable flanker study for use in surveys on Qualtrics

| 5 mins

Qualtrics and Chat
Combine Qualtrics with a multiplayer chat room

| 5 mins

Qualtrics experiment demo

| 5 mins

Tic Tac Toe
Test Tic tac toe

| 5 mins

Tic tac toe tutorial
some description

| 5 mins

Pilot Covid19 Narratives
Exploring Role of Interactive Narratives to reduce COVID19 Vaccine Hesitation

| 8-10 mins

Team TSP
Collaborate with other participants over multiple rounds to solve a Traveling Salesperson Problem.

| 10 - 15 mins

amt test survey

| 5 mins

ARL Demo
A demo of the editing system

| 5 mins


| 5 mins

Decision Tracing example

| 5 mins

Facebook Sim
Simlate Facebook and Video Ad

| 5 mins

image memory

| 5 mins

new qualtrics survey

| 5 mins

Pilot Covid19 Narratives
Exploring Role of Interactive Narratives to reduce COVID19 Vaccine Hesitation

| 8-10 mins

QS Test survey
Participate in this study from Volunteer Science.

| 10 mins

Qualtrics then Chat
Participants take a qualtrics study and then chat with one another

| 5 mins


| 5 mins

randomization demo
demo for randomization

| 5 mins

Tagging Tweets
Tweet tagging Demo

| 5 mins

Wildcat Wells
Can you find the most oil!

| 5 mins

workshop test

| 5 mins