Who We Are

Jason Radford, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Jason has been running Volunteer Science since 2014 where he led the validation of the platform, oversaw $5 million in research funding through the platform, and helped transition the technology from Northeastern University into Volunteer Science Inc. Jason is a graduate of the doctoral program in sociology at the University of Chicago where he studied organizational effectiveness and computational sociology.

Jeff Hoye
Chief Architect
Jeff is a software developer and serial entrepreneur. Jeff has founded five companies that have raised over $20 million dollars. His expertise is in distributed systems, computer graphics, and android apps. In his spare time, he's developing a physics based MMO called Neptune Live.

David Lazer, Ph.D.
Board Member
David is a political scientist at Northeastern University, leading figure in computational social science, and a founder of VolunteerScience.com, whose research has been published in top scientific journals ranging from Science to the American Political Science Review, and been covered in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CBS News, ABC news, NPR, among many other outlets.

Waleed Meleis, Ph.D.
Board Chair
Waleed is associate professor and associate chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University. He is a founder of the Volunteer Science framework and has published more than 45 papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals. Projects under his supervision have been profiled by CNN, PC World, Engadget, Forbes, Herald News, and TechNews.