Studies on Covid-19

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Want to keep up to date with all the latest experiments from Studies on Covid-19? Entering your phone and/or email below helps our reserachers recruit subjects for new games or long-running studies that require repeat participation. Our researchers appreciate it, and we promise they're not out to flood your inbox with spam!


Our Experiments

Social Media Use and Covid-19
Women aged 18-25 needed for a 15 min research survey on social media use and COVID-19 from the APPEAR Lab at Northeastern University

| 15 min

Civic Health and Institutions Project
Participate in a survey about your experiences attitudes, and beliefs to help us study the critical issues at the intersection of health and politics. 

| 25 min

Coronavirus Impact Survey
The Relationships Lab at Carnegie Mellon University wants to know more about your experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.

| 30 mins

Covid-19 Transition to Telework Study
Participate in this survey and help an international team of scientists study the different ways teleworking impacts us in times of crisis. 

| 10-15 mins

Keeping Healthy During COVID
This research explores the ways in which the current context of pandemic may affect people’s wellness and stress, and related health behaviors.

| 25-30 mins