Volunteer your time, your data, and your opinions to support scientific research.

What the app does. What the app does NOT do.

The application looks at calling and texting data stored on your phone from the day of the Boston Marathon bombing (April 15) to see who you were contacting. It then asks you about your relationship to these contacts and the nature of your communication with them during this period. The app creates a short report for the participant describing their calling and texting pattern after the bombing.

The app does not reveal or share any names, phone numbers, or other identifying data.

This research study was reviewed and approved by the Northeastern University Institutional Review Board (IRB# 13-04-11).

Questions about electronic privacy?
Contact Mark Nardone, Northeastern Univ. Info. Security (tel. 617-373-7901; email privacy@neu.edu).

Questions about your rights as a participant? Contact Nan Regina at Northeastern Univ. Human Subjects Research Protection (960 Renaissance Park, NU, Boston, MA 02115; tel. 617-373-4588; email irb@neu.edu).

Questions about Study or App?
Questions or comments about the overall study? Contact David Lazer, the principal investigator, at Northeastern University (tel. 617-329-1010; email d.lazer@neu.edu ).

Questions or comments about this app?
Contact Devon Brewer at ISR (tel. 206-985-2398; email interscientific@yahoo.com).

Click here for the app's terms and conditions.