Revised Self-Monitoring Scale   Play the Game!

Revised Self-Monitoring Scale

Inclusion Criteria: Any person can participate in this study. However only persons over the age of 18 may consent to have their data used for scientific research.

Study Aims: The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between multiple surveys for different personality types.

What will I actually have to do? You will be presented with thirteen questions intended to measure your ability to change self-presentation to fit different social interactions. Answer honestly and don't overthink.

What benefits are there for me? This study is uncompensated. However, your participation will help us understand how some of the most fundamental social processes work.

What happens to my data? All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and only accessible to the research team performing this study. If you consent to having your data used for scientific research, your data will be published anonymously along with the study code as part of a replication package to ensure the highest quality scientific research.

Can I withdraw from the study? You can contact the researchers at any time to withdraw your consent from this study.

Risks from Participation: I do not foresee any risks for participating in this study, but if you experience any distress as a result of your participation, you may contact the researchers for assistance (see contact information below).

Why should I participate?: This survey is intended to measure your ability to modify self-presentation and sensitivity to expressive behavior of others. You will be presented with a combined score for these two things after the survey has been completed. Becoming more aware of your ability to self monitor can be a way to intentionally change how you react in certain situations. You can read more about this here.

Contact Details: If you have any questions or require additional information about this study please contact Jason Radford

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